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Charter SB20

There are several SB20's available for charter for all the upcoming regattas in Singapore, as well as for the World Championship.


Charter boat for club racing: 

Singapore Sailing Federation has their charter boats located at Raffles Marina and they are available for charter for all club racing throughout 2020. See regatta calendar for 2021 here 

To charter a boat from SSF for club racing, you need to be a member of the SB20 Association of Singapore 

Rates for the charter boats are available here, and to charter a boat, please contact

Charter boat for the APAC and Worlds 2021: 

For the APAC and worlds there will be both private boats and boats from Singapore Sailing Federation available for charter. In addition we may import charter boats from overseas, depending on demand. The existing charter boats in Singapore range from new to 10 years old.

If you are interested in chartering a boat for APAC and/or worlds 21, please PRE-REGISTER here

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